“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience”. Thank you, Albert Einstein, for that insight. It is a well-known fact that people are best placed to start a client reporting project just after they’ve finished one. The knowledge gained from the experience prepares you to undertake another client reporting project. Each time the project is repeated the process is refined, honed and improved.
Imagine how good a company can get if client reporting is all they do?
With expert knowledge built up from on-boarding many clients over many years:
- The project risks are lowered
- The project timeframes are optimised and shortened
- The benefits are delivered earlier to you and your clients
- The costs are lower
If you are thinking of upgrading and improving your client reporting, our on-boarding project covers the following areas:
- Report design: report content, layout, branding
- Identification of golden data sources
- Automated data trafficking/data transfer/data ingestion
- Configuration of data validation/data checking rules
- Automated collection and ingestion of text and written commentary
- Translation – produce reports in any language
- Report template build/configuration of dynamic display rules
- Workflow configuration
- User set-up
- User acceptance testing
- Go live
Due to our deep experience with client reporting and our cloud-based platform, this entire process can be completed within 4-6 weeks. Whether the reports are KIIDs, factsheets, valuation packs or full quarterly investment reports – our detailed project plan and highly repeatable process covers all the different types of reports required. We have a 100% track record for on-boarding clients and providing a solution that matches their exact reporting requirements.
Opus Nebula provide a fully automated end-to-end reporting solution, integrated to your data sources, producing reports to your precise specification and layout for your funds and clients. The service is cloud-based, securely hosted in the Microsoft Azure cloud. With fixed set-up costs, a pay-per-use model for on-going report production and, as mentioned earlier, on-boarding to the service is typically 4-6 weeks. Cloud-based reporting – Reporting as a Service® – represents the future model for client reporting and client communications. So, as Albert Einstein famously said, “knowledge comes from experience”, and in the world of client reporting – we have a lot of knowledge.
For more information about Reporting as a Service from Opus Nebula please visit our website at www.opus-nebula.com or email [email protected].
Andrew Sherlock
Opus Nebula